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Reconstruction of the main switchgear 10 kV for power supply company

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UES — Project

Our specialists have completed the reconstruction of the main switchgear 10 kV at the substation 110/10 kV "VIZ" held by LLC "TETZ" - the network company, operating in the Verkhiseckiy district of Yekaterinburg.

According to the project developed by "UES-Project", retrofit of two switchgear cells was carried out replacing two oil circuit breakers with vacuum ones, and the outdated concrete current-limiting reactor was replaced with a more modern dry type RTSTG-10-4000-0,25 N3 having small dimensions, weight and reduced losses. They were delivered 2 sets.

For our company this is not the first experience in supplying reactors of this type; previously there have been delivered and successfully put in operation:

  • RTSTG −6-3200-1,2 N3 — 2 sets in a modular building for construction of the gas-turbine station in the Taylakovskoye oil fields of JSC "Slavneft-Megionneftegas"
  • RTSTG −6-2×4000-0,14 VM N1 — 2 sets for LLC "KIMKANSKOYE AND SUTARSKOYE MINES", the substation 220/35/6 kV "Tsentralnaya-GOK"; 
  • RTSTG −6-3200-0,14 N1 — 4 sets for LLC "Product company" Bezhitsk Steel Plant", the substation 110/6 kV "Fasonno-liteynaya Novaya".

Due to the completion of complex work on modernizing the electrical network of LLC "TETZ" (dismantling of old equipment, delivery and installation of new equipment, its commissioning) LLC "Ural Energy Union" increased reliability of the substation 110/10 kV "VIZ", which is extremely important in the context of the developing metropolis and a constantly growing number of consumers.
